result of spontaneous abortion in the twelfth week
of gestation, two years after a high cervical ampu-
tation. She had undergone three normal preg-
nancies prior to the operation. About a year fol-
lowing the abortion I was Trental 100 Mg asked to see her again
Fig. 1. — Introduction Purchase Trental of sutur
the modified Bonney suture.
by her physician, and found her in the tenth week
of gestation with evidences of another threatened
abortion, and it was only by enforced Pentoxifylline Trental rest in bed
for a number of weeks that Trental Price we were able to insure
the continuation of the pregnancy.
Leonard ( 1 ) has reported abortion Trental Online or premature Buy Trental
labor in fifty-iive per cent, of the pregnancies oc-
curing in women whose records could be traced
after amputation of the cervix in Johns Hopkins
Stenosis of the cervical canal produced by a
dense ring of scar tissue formed along the edges
of the flaps may obstruct the flow of Trental Mg menstrual
discharge and be the cause of dysmenorrhea. Such
a cicatricial ring may produce a prolonged and ex-
hausting labor and uterine dystocia because of the
inability of the cervix to dilate properly. Indeed
in some instances the cicatrix may refuse to dilate
sufficiently to permit the passage of the fetus. Leon-
ard found that Buy Trental Online in nearly seventy per cent, of the
cases of amputation of the cervix the patients subse-
quently had difficult labor. In two patients I was
forced to make bilateral incisions in such a cicatrix
to insure complete dilatation of the cervix and per-
mit the progress of the fetus through the birth
canal. In addition to the unsatisfactory results thus
far considered, failure to produce pleasing cosmetic
effects by the usual method of suturing the flaps
in the high Schroeder amputation of Trental Cost the cervix has
induced me to seek and finally adopt measures which
have served to overcome the objectionable features
of the older operations. These I shall describe
later on.
No method of operation, however, will diminish
the necessity for Generic Trental high amputation of the cervix in
cases of extensive hypertrophy and erosion, because
an operation which does not remove all of the path-
"logical tissue, especially the eroded surface, is only
partially successful. Any part of the erosion which
is allowed to remain will continue to discharge and
in time spread over the adjacent Trental Indications surface of the re-
paired cervix and thus lessen the benefit which the
operation should have afforded. In Purchase Trental Online so far then a/
amputation of the cervix is concerned, the follow
ing possibilities always may confront us : a, stenosiv
of the canal ; b, permanent dilatation of Order Trental Online the internal
OS, and, c, failure resulting from insufficient removal
of diseased tissue.
Since the amount of cervical tissue Trental 400 to be removed
must be controlled by the extent of the erosion, en-
docervicitis and hypertrophy, it would seem advis-
able to reduce these pathological changes, if possible,
by other methods of treatment in order to limit the
extent of the amputation or to abolish the necessity
for its performance. Emmet and others of the
older operators recognized the advisability of such
procedure, but its practice has been neglected in re-
cent years, much to the detriment of the patient.
It has been my practice in the last three years to
subject all patients suiTering from a combination
of erosion, endocervicitis, laceration and h}'pertrophy
of the cervix to a method of treatment found to be
uniformly successful in restoring the cervix to a
healthy state before operation. In Trental Generic many instances
operations have been avoided on cervices which
would formerly have been subjected to Buy Cheap Trental high Order Trental Trental Tablets ampu-
tation. It is the method employed in producing
these results that I want p)articularly to describe.
The secret of success lies in the preparation of
Fig. 2. — Sutures in the cervical wall at the edge of the Trental Injection internali
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